

That's right. I've been unemployed for a little over a week now. And - as the cliche goes - now that I have fun stuff to write about, I've been too busy having fun to write about it. Still, I thought I might mark the moment with a little memorial - to my desk.

*coined by Joey


Toys and office supplies - it was the office National Bookstore...

…and my lodgings during the incessant overnights.
(Not pictured: threadbare pillow, sleeping bag, panda bedroom slippers and pyjamas)

Little friends for stressful times (and for when Joey needs a Lady Gaga costume)…

… the cigarette fund bunny for when little friends just don't cut it.

Bluey and Blue's last goodbye. (Little did they know they'd soon be reunited at Patsy's desk.)

And so it goes.

Goodbye, little buddy. I'll see you in another life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kayo po ba ay naninigarilyo?