
Secret Project: Innocent Desires

Consider these close-ups as teasers for a piece I made for the Innocent Desires exhibit. It's sort of about my childhood - the bits of it I remember anyway. The title is something translated from Latin and now seems waaaaay too pretentious. I'm thinking of changing it to something randomly generated on a website. Because the hardest part of completing any art work - for me, at least - is naming the damn thing.

Ogle the whole banana at Quantum Cafe and let me know if the title is too bloody pseudo-intellectual. Oh, and check out the other pieces on display. I haven't seen any of the other submissions yet. Should be interesting. Especially considering that childhood is basically miniaturized warfare and overblown urges rather than unicorns and double rainbows. 

Exhibit opens 7:30pm, April 29 (Friday) and closes May 13. There's a map to Quantum Cafe below, so you have no excuse not to go. Making the piece has awakened repressed childhood impulses - so if you don't at least drop by, I'm bound to throw a massive tantrum. And then you'll have to appease me with a Presto Funwich. But they don't make those delicious ice-cream sandwiches anymore... so just go, okay?


About the exhibit:

Einstein once said “if you traveled into space in a straight line, you will eventually come back to where you started”. But could this scientific concept even apply in our personal life? 25 artists have gathered together to find out if it could. They took a second look at their childhood, revisiting childhood desires, dreams, ambitions, behavior, habit, frustrations, experience, the toys, sensibilities, mind sets, and anythings else that make up their childhood. Using photography and digital art to relate their inner journey, they share the lessons that proves that life does indeed come in full circle.

Participating Artists:

Anson Yu / Benjie Cruz / Bon Labora / Carlo Claudio / Chen Breva
Cherry Hilao / Chester Asehan / Chito Ignacio / George Barrios
Jemimah Dumawal / Joel Chua / John Bonham / Loren Marquez
Micheline Rama / Mike Andaya / Niel Marcelino / Noel Pocot
Paolo Castro / Portia Mendoza / Raul Roco Jr. / Recci Bacolor
Shaira Luna / Tom Estrera III / Tootoots Leyesa / Vaughn Tayag

Organized by Recci Bacolor

Visit the Innocent Desires event page for updates and more details.

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